Regardless of how much time and planning you put into selecting dumpsters, you are bound to have disappointments from time to time. Before you look at a dumpster or trash bin and label it a let down, look a little deeper.
Expect it to Look Like Trash
You carefully selected a dumpster at a specific store in a nice area of town. You arrive only to find that “nice” dumpster looks bad even for a trash heap. It may be a total mess on the outside, but learn to trust there may still be great treasures inside.
No matter how high-end a store or neighborhood may be, a dumpster is still a dumpster. It will probably be dirty, sloppy and a bit gross. Just because the dumpster belongs to a high-end retailer doesn’t mean it will look any different. After all, it is a giant trash bin.
Look Before You Leave
It can feel like a major letdown when you pull up to a promising dumpster only to find it looks completely empty. It may be tempting to just drive away without even opening the lid. Don’t!
It only takes one great find to make a dumpster diving trip great. While a dumpster may not be filled to the brim, that doesn’t mean good stuff isn’t sitting there waiting to be found.
Before giving up, take a peek inside. You may find that dumpster isn’t as empty as it first appeared. If that’s the case, get to work. You picked this dumpster for a reason, so give it a chance before giving up and walking away.
Trust Your Research
Take time to learn the patterns for each of your local retailers. In many cases, retailers have set schedules for markdowns. They may also have a schedule or routine for clearing out damaged items or goods that can’t be sold for a number of reasons. There may be set days or times that these items are brought to the dumpster en masse.
If you’ve discovered these clean-out times, take advantage of them. If you show up after you know a clean out was set to happen but the dumpster looks sparse as you drive by, don’t give up. It’s always worth taking a peek before passing a dumpster by, especially if you know the retailer was due for a major clean-out.
What Surprises Have You Found?
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